- About Ottawa Intergroup
- Telephone Answering and 12-Step Calls
- Newsletter
- Literature & Merchandise
Ottawa Intergroup Services
Ottawa Area Intergroup: maintains a Central Office with Telephone Answer Service (TAS); manages the ottawaaa.org website; publishes online meeting directories; stocks and sells sobriety chips & medallions and AA conference approved literature; and sponsors two annual conferences: the Spring Conference in May and the Eastern Ontario Conference in October).
Ottawa Area Intergroup is an AA service office established pursuant to the 9th Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous to operate on behalf of participating groups in the Ottawa area. It performs functions best handled by a centralized office. The functions aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers.
Monthly Meeting
The Intergroup Meeting is held every 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Please join us here. Everyone is welcome.
Meeting ID: 824 3878 6359
Zoom Meeting ID: 82438786359
Minutes of these meetings are available here.
We are located at 211 Bronson Avenue, Suite 108, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6H5.
- Organizational Structure
Intergroup Officers are elected by group representatives, and have the responsibility to report their activities on a monthly basis. Individual groups in Ottawa may or may not choose to participate by sending a representative to monthly Intergroup meetings. In 1992, Intergroup was incorporated as a non profit organization in the Province of Ontario. Intergroup activities are governed by a set of Bylaws which may be viewed here. Accompanying the by-laws are Policies and Procedures documents. Click here for the General Business document. Click here for Roles and Responsibilities of the Intergroup Board of Directors.
Ottawa Intergroup Supports;
270 Meetings in 7 Districts;
Map Source*
The Area 83 Map of that Ottawa Intergroup is Part of. 
How to be of Service Become an Intergroup Representative:
Become a member of a group; attend the group business meetings; and be elected as an Intergroup Representative.
Volunteer for Telephone Answering and 12-Step Calls
Click the ‘Telephone Answering and 12-Step Calls’ tab above to find out howFor more information, on Central or Intergroup Offices in general, please see the AA Guideline on Central or Intergroup OfficesLiability Insurance Program for Ottawa Area AA Groups
Ottawa Area Intergroup has been successful in negotiating a Group Insurance Program for AA Groups which are part of Ottawa Area Intergroup. Click here to apply.
The Ottawa Intergroup helpline is open between 10AM and 10PM daily (subject to volunteer availability). It is staffed by telephone answering volunteers from within the AA membership.
These volunteers, having a suggested sobriety time of 1 year, respond to a wide range of calls, from questions about meeting locations to providing peer support to someone in distress.
In some instances, the caller requests to be called back at a later time. At other times, the caller will ask, or the telephone answering volunteer will suggest, the caller meet with some members in person, either at the callers home (possibly restricted due to Covid-19), in a public place or via online video.
At that time, the telephone answering volunteer will call a volunteer on the 12-Step call list. The 12-Step volunteer will contact the caller and assist as necessary.
Visit the TAS Calendar to view a breakdown of Telephone Answering Service (TAS) shifts.
To make changes to the schedule, volunteer to pick up a shift, or add your name to the 12-Step call list, please contact the TAS Coordinator at tas@ottawaaa.org.
“Our Primary Purpose” publishes articles reflecting the full diversity of experience and opinion found within the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. In determining content, the editor relies on the principles of the Twelve Traditions. “Our Primary Purpose” values the shared experience of individual AA members working the AA program and applying the principles of the Twelve Steps. Seeking neither to gloss over difficult issues, nor to present such issues in a harmful or contentious manner, “Our Primary Purpose” tries to embody the widest possible view of the AA Fellowship.
The editor of “Our Primary Purpose” reserves the right to accept or reject material for publication, based on the AA traditions. This policy is consistent with that of the AA Grapevine or La Viña.
Articles are not intended to be statements of AA policy, nor does publication of any article constitute endorsement by either Alcoholics Anonymous or Ottawa Area Intergroup. Submissions are always welcome.
Click here to read the current and past issues of “Our Primary Purpose“.
AA members are welcome to submit stories, letters, poems, photos and other artwork to newsletter@ottawaaa.org.
Submissions must be received by the 20th of the month to be included in the following month.
Online Credit Card Pay & Pick-up Service
Groups and individuals can order literature, wallet cards, chips, medallions and other merchandise from Intergroup via our online order form.
You will receive an email confirmation and receipt for your purchase and someone from the office will contact you when your order is ready for pick-up*.
* CURBSIDE PICK-UP is available at the Bronson Centre between 2:00 and 4:00 PM at the SECOND SIDE DOOR (furthest from Bronson Avenue) on the LISGAR STREET SIDE.
Orders for pick-up on any given Saturday must be placed through the online order form by NOON on Friday.
Please call the office at 613.237.6000 when you arrive. If you don’t have a cell phone, call before you come down and let us know what time to expect you.
If you have any questions please use the contact form to email the Literature Coordinator.
For technical questions about the actual form, please include the Webmaster on the contact form distribution
Before you call think “ZERO TOLERANCE”
Ottawa Intergroup AA has a Zero Tolerance Policy to ensure all volunteers are treated with dignity and respect. This means aggressive or violent behaviour on the phone or otherwise, will not be tolerated.
Share Your Recovery Stories.
We all have our story to tell, “what it was like, what happened, and what it’s like now”.
Submit yours with a chance to be published in the next “Our Primary Purpose”.
Select “Newsletter Submission” from the drop down menu to begin.